Well we made it to Athens, Alabama safe and semi sound... and the truck is running good again! Boy, what a two week adventure! After leaving Maine we were stranded on the interstate by a failed fuel pump and spent the weekend in Mount Pocono, PA. Great people helped us get back on the road and we made it to Fredericksburg, VA. Our plans were to receive our training from a lovely couple for our new job as part of the ground crew for the, "Air Photo, INC". We will be marketing their product in various areas around the country. This is such an interesting business model. The company is based in Washington state and takes areal photos of unique homes and hobby farms all over the USA and then mats, frames and sells the photos to the owners. They use RVers to market these photos and pays them a commission based on what they sell. Perfect... for us! We are so excited. So.... we get to Fredericksburg, as we are trying to get into a very tight campsite, up a hill, we blew the front pump seal of the transmission and spewed fluid all over the ground! I managed to limp, with the trailer attached, about 1/2 mile to the Ford dealer. They gave us a place to park the trailer, ordered a new transmission, and had us ready the next day by 5:00 PM. Again, great people helped us get on our way. Now here we are in Fredericksburg , VA to get trained but no campsite.
So we met my brother, Larry and wife, Margeret at a campground in Quantico, VA for a long weekend and had a great time. We had a campfire two nights and roasted hotdogs and marshmellows. Lots of coffee and conversation... and a bottle of wine or two... Over all a great time and then left Tuesday to head south.
Air Photo pointed us to Huntsville, Alabama to be trained and then work the area around Athens, Alabama. We found a great campsite in a small park for $330 per month! So things have a way of working out. We should begin our training this coming week and also begin working by ourselves.. We need to replenish the coffers after the fuel pump and transmission. This is a beautiful area we are really looking forward to getting started!